Going Deep
This is our entry to the Brackeys Game Jam 2020.1 - Holes
[EDIT]This game came Rank #5 overall in the game jam! thanks to everyone who voted!
Going Deep is a Roguelike where you play as an adventuring monkey who ventures deep into a hole in the ground.
Avoid traps and kill monsters to try and stay alive for as long as you can!
(Controllers supported)
WSAD/Arrows or Analogue stick to move - LeftMouse or A to attack
This game features an online Leaderboard system provided free by http://dreamlo.com/ . Please keep names clean.
Programming & Art - CraigsArcade(Dreckly)
Awesome Music & SFX - RyanAVX
Ran out of time towards the end so the level isn't as long as i wanted it to be. So instead i have just made it really difficult towards the bottom.
Hope everyone enjoys!
Mac and Linux versions are untested, please report to me if they don't work and ill resolve the issues. And any bugs found by players will be fixed in the coming days.
I have noticed some lighting flickering issues on the webplayer, these shouldn't happen on the downloadable versions if it bothers anyone.
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Pretty nice, I got to 104.3m. Though, I completely missed the optionsmenu; maybe just have it as a normal button between start and quit. It doesn't seem procedural, so what is the maximum score?
Hey, we didn't have time to make it procedural for the game jam, the max is ~340m. We're in talks into making it into a full game with procedural generation.
This game is so polished! Truly great job
ayee, nice one, finally got the first place ^^
BTW if someone's interested in ending here it is :
this or this
And my video is up, got in the Top 5 and just now I set a new personal record, this is so addicting. :)
This is a fun game! Happy tunes that encourages to keep on going. The fire effects were cool. The death fx for the monkey and his hat falling off were nice touches! Overall, great game! Made it to 100M!
Maybe I need to unplug the controller, cause it doesn't seem like I can press this button.

I'm sorry about that! it should be either X on the controller or F on the keyboard, i think a bug slipped through that bugs it out if you attack inside the trigger area, so if you go back up a few tiles then back down it should work. I'll look into getting that fixed today!